Tuesday, October 23, 2007


This is a very interesting article regarding some statements put out by Willow Creek Church, arguably the most influential evangelical church in America for the last couple of decades - for better or for worse. There is little debate regarding the influence of a place like Willow Creek over America's evangelical congregations, the question that is debated is whether or not such influence is a positive one. Willow Creek is preaching the Gospel, don't hear me wrong, its just Willow Creek pioneered and perfected the ultra-programmed, megachurch phenomenon that is finally beginning to be reexamined and this article brings some interesting insight into such a conversation....



At 1:52 PM, Blogger Ryan B said...

I've never been much of a fan of Willow Creek, but I have a new respect for Bill Hybels. On the one hand, it was a shortsighted strategy from the beginning. On the other hand, it takes some serious kahunas to admit to hundreds of thousands of sheep that he, as their shepherd of 30 years, has reached a dead end in their megachurch journey. I'm hopeful for them- that they will chart a new course and maybe reform the rest of their North American following with them.

At 3:59 PM, Blogger Adam said...

I agree man. I have respect for what was said and the admissions that were made as well. Kudos to a place that isn't afraid to rexamine itself and constantly desire to get better even if that means scrapping a gameplan and starting over. Us reformed folk could probably takes notes and remind ourselves of the need to not just be "reformed" but to constantly be "reforming" as we desire to know the Gospel more and more each day and in each new era.


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