Tuesday, August 14, 2007


"...stuck on the end of this ball and chain
and i'm on my way back down again
stood on a bridge, tied to the noose

sick to the stomach
you can say what you mean
but it won't change a thing
i'm sick of the secrets

stood on the edge, tied to a noose

You came along and you cut me loose
You came along and you cut me loose
You came along and you cut me loose..."

-"Amsterdam" by Coldplay

Christ has cut me free from the noose of sin and death. Although daily I find myself trying to slip by neck back into it...I don't want to...but my behavior and constant disobedience and constant entanglement in ridiculous sin that should be conquered by now seems to prove otherwise.

Cut me loose I pray and burn the rope. For all too often do I return to that tempting yet deadly twine.


At 10:37 AM, Blogger Ryan B said...

I love that song... I was reading about Samson in the Bible the other day and it struck me how stupid he was and how much like him I really am. It's amazing how he continues loving that wicked woman Delilah, even after she repeatedly tries to kill him. She even asks him for advice on HOW to most effectively destroy him, and he tells her, slipping his own head into the proverbial noose. And right after I finished saying, "Samson, you're a dummy," I realized that I do the very same thing with the sin that daily entices me; I know it leads to death, but I think I'm strong enough to sample it and go on being some kind of hero. Thanks for the helpful reminder to pray endlessly for God's rescue and protection.

At 12:33 PM, Blogger Philip Letizia said...

Good stuff man. For some reason, I've never really thought about the lyrics to that song. I think the music and mood of the song has always stolen my concentration, what a picture of the need to be saved. It's amazing how guys like Martin, and Ben Gibbard from Death Cab, can capture these very strong and emotive feelings of longing, rescue, and seemingly being able to know that something is broken. Great application too.


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