Monday, January 15, 2007

Board Games, You-Hoo and the Bible (wow I'm a Jr. High Youth pastor)

Something ironic happened the other night. As I was playing Scrabble with my family (and dominating - sorry had to throw that in there) there were a couple times where someone's move or a scoring issue or something would come under question and without fail someone would loudly say, "look at the rules!" and grab for the Scrabble box cover which contains the rules printed on the inside. This happened time after time and each time the rules would be consulted, taken as law and then unquestionably adhered to. The inside flap of the Scrabble box cover was final. You did not argue.
And for some reason right there at our dining room table that struck me as so ironic. I will listen to the printed rules of Scrabble which were made by Milton Bradley or something in the 1930's and unflinchingly obey as will millions of others who play the game and yet how many times do we go to the Bible - the holy, inspired, life-changing, living, active, double-edged, divine, God-breathed - Bible and when confronted with the "rules" kinda scratch my head in doubt (is that really whats best for me?) or worse yet - blatantly disobey?
It is such an elementary observation but it struck me as so powerful. We will religiously obey the Scrabble instructions, the Dry Clean Only labels, the Do Not Remove Tag from Mattress labels, the Shake Well Before Serving suggestion and yet it's like pulling teeth for me to live the Word of God.
But all of these things have the same root - they offer the law for ultimately whats best for us even if we don't realize it - the question is do we really believe that?
I wholeheartedly believe that if I shake the bottle of chocolate milk before serving it will taste better and will ultimately be whats best for me.
Do I believe that no eye has seen nor ear has heard what God has prepared for those who love Him and who follow after him and that is why I should obey Him and not run after the fleeting things of the world?
God take my shifting sand faith and solidify it on the Rock who is Jesus Christ.


At 4:59 PM, Blogger Joel Piedt said...

Adam, you're a good man. Thanks for your posts brother.

At 5:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

. . . or a "dot 3 brake fluid only" reservoir cap under the hood of my pontiac.

At 6:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

good seinfeld reference

At 12:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

good writing adam but i had to let you know that your domination of scrabble would stop at my front door.....

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